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The Art of Chinese Clickbait
Attention! Here are the headline-writing techniques you need to master on China’s internet!
An American in Shanghai Redefines What It Means to “City”
Shanghai-based American influencer Paul Mike Ashton’s viral meme, “city bu city,” transforms the concept of urbanity
Essential Chinese Phrases for Cheapskates
How to talk about saving and conscious spending in the era of “consumption downgrade”
Office Zootopia: How Chinese Netizens Relate to Animals
Increasingly frustrated by their career prospects, China’s workers are likening themselves to various animals to blow off steam
Between the Light and the Dense
What do Chinese netizens mean when they refer to each other as “light,” “dense,” and “stealthy”?
Checking In: A Language Guide to Social Media Travel Posting
Learn how to “check-in” at China’s viral tourist destinations and post about travel online
Zeroes to Heroes: Chinese Fans’ New-Found Love for Losers
China’s latest meme celebrates unsung, “spineless” heroes, proving that real strength often lies in the beautifully flawed
Learn the Deceptive Language of China’s Matchmakers
How to decipher the exaggerations and deceptions of matchmaking professionals
Talk Like a Chinese Food Vlogger
Want to get paid for eating good food? Here’s what you need to know about China’s food blogging industry
The Art of Hunong: Netizens’ Have Perfected Tactics to Avoid Conversation
Chinese netizens have mastered the art of slacking to survive in an increasingly stressful society