Can Young Chinese Sustain Their Newfound Rural Life by Simply Farming the Land?

As competition in cities increases, a small but growing contingent of Chinese youth are returning to the countryside to till the land and look for inner peace


Why are Chinese Doctors’ Offices Full of Red Pennants?

The bestowing of red pennants, or “jinqi,” has evolved from a simple acknowledgment of appreciation to a token for career advancement and even a means to subvert authority


How China’s Declining Marriage Rate Soured the Candy Industry

As young Chinese put off tying the knot, traditional wedding candy sellers feel the pinch


The Young Chinese Lottery Shop Owners in It to Win It

Following a renewed fervor for scratch cards among young people, a new generation of lottery shop owners have entered the market hoping to get rich and retire early


Zeroes to Heroes: Chinese Fans’ New-Found Love for Losers

China’s latest meme celebrates unsung, “spineless” heroes, proving that real strength often lies in the beautifully flawed


Before Forever: The Rise of Prenuptial Agreements in China

More young Chinese are signing prenuptial agreements before marriage, but are they enforceable?


Why Are Chinese Urbanites Wearing Their Ugliest Clothes to Work?

A new trend has weary, overworked young urbanites wearing “disgusting outfits” to their office jobs and annoying their bosses in the process


Parallel Worlds: How A Lifestyle App Shed Light on China’s Education Gap

Anxiety has grown among China’s rural students as the internet provides them with glimpses into the lives of their more privileged urban peers


Why China’s Young Urbanites Seek Refuge in Night School

China‘s stressed-out urban young professionals head to night schools to unwind and learn new skills


Bottom of the Class: The Woes of China’s Liberal Arts Students

China’s liberal arts students still value their expertise in the face of poor employment prospects, low salaries, and societal pressure to switch to STEM subjects